Tag: Primary School
How to Prepare Your Child for the Math Olympiad
If you have stumbled upon this blog, you would probably have heard of the Math Olympiad. But what exactly is it and how can you prepare your child for the Math Olympiad? What is Math Olympiad Math Olympiad is a competitive exam that tests students…
What I’ve Learnt Going From Zero to Gold in SASMO
Hear what a parent has to say about their experience from winning a gold medal in SASMO. We sat down with a parent of our current Long Term Course student, Shu Wen, as she shares with us her experience parenting her vivacious eight-year-old son, Jialuo,…
PSLE AL Score – Indicative PSLE Score Ranges for Individual Secondary Schools
Hello, reader! Just for you: Get FREE 2022 P1 to P6 full-year revision papers and a preview of 2022 Term 1 topics, Lower Primary Calculation practices, GEP and Math Olympiad questions here. The new PSLE AL Score System kicks in this year, and Primary 6…
PSLE 2021: All About the New PSLE Scoring System
2021 is the first year that the Ministry of Education’s new PSLE scoring system kicks in! Here’s your go-to guide on all you need to know about how it works.